Vienna University, 27 November 2024, The Winds of Change: ICSID in the Geopolitical Arena ICSID and the Two Faces of Globalization.

Frankfurt/Main, Conference: 50 Years of Bilateral Investment Treaties, 1-3 December 2009: Nationality of Investors: Legitimate Restrictions v. Business Interests.

Frankfurt/Main, Conference: International Investment Law and General International Law, 12-13 March 2010:
Commentary: Disruptive Procedural Conduct in Investment Arbitration.
Commentary: Interpretation of Investment Treaties.

London, Fourteenth Investment Treaty Forum, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 7 May 2010: The Timing of Jurisdictional Objections in Investment Arbitration.

New York, Fifth Annual Fordham Law Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation, 14-15 June 2010: Interactions of International Tribunals and Domestic Courts in Investment Law.

Düsseldorf International Arbitration School, 24 September 2010, Keynote Address: Investment Arbitration.

Jerusalem, Hebrew University, 26 October 2010: The Future of Investment Arbitration.

Heidelberg, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Seminar on International Dispute Settlement: Room for Innovations? 3 November 2010: Privatization of the Settlement of International Disputes?

Vienna, Austrian/Polish Twin Conference International Commercial Arbitration, 3 December 2010, Keynote Speech: The Evolution of Investment Arbitration.

Geneva, The 15th Geneva Global Arbitration Forum, 9 December 2010: Preventing a Backlash against Investment Arbitration: could the WTO be the Solution?

Rotterdam, Loyens & Loeff N.V, 21 February 2011: Nationality Planning in International Investment Law.

Washington, D.C., American Society of International Law, 2011 Annual Meeting, 24 March 2011: Is ICSID Losing Its Appeal … Again?

Leiden University Conference, The Interaction of International Investment Law with Other Fields of Public International Law, 8. April 2011: International Investment and Armed Conflict.

Vienna, Wolf Theiss Vienna, US/ European Network Meeting, 16 May 2011: Corporate Structuring in International Investment Law.

Vienna, Wolf Theiss Vienna, Practice Group Corporate Senior Lawyers Training, 1 July 2011, Vienna: Investment Protection – How to benefit from treaty protection in structuring cross-border M&A transactions.

Paris, International Arbitration Academy, 4-13 July 2011, General Course (15h): The Development of Investment Arbitration.

Bern, World Trade Forum 2011, New Directions and Emerging Challenges in International Investment Law and Policy, 10 September 2011: Coherence and Consistency in International Investment Law.

Venice, San Servolo, Summer School, The Energy Challenge, 21 September 2011: ICSID and Energy.

Geneva, Master of Advanced Studies in International Dispute Settlement, 19 October 2011: Investors.

London, Investment Treaty Forum, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 3 November 2011, Keynote Speech: Why Still ICSID?

Kiev Arbitration Days 2011, 18 November 2011: MFN and Dispute Settlement.

Vienna Arbitration Days 2012, 18 February 2012: The European Union and Bilateral Investment Treaties.

Stockholm, 15th Annual IBA International Arbitration Day, 9 March 2012: Has the Time Come for the Creation of an International Appellate Body?

London, Seventh Annual Fordham Law Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation, 27 April 2012: Nationality Planning.

Vienna, World Bank Group Investment Policy Global Workshop, 14 May 2012, Keynote address: Investment Protection in Uncertain Times.

Vienna, ICC Austria Advanced Seminar on International Plant Engineering and Construction, 6 June 2012: Dispute Resolution by Means of ICSID.

Barcelona, Master of Laws in International Economic Law and Policy, University of Barcelona, 13 June 2012: Jurisdiction in International Investment Arbitration.

Vienna, International Legal Exchange Commission (ILEX), American Bar Association, 13 March 2013: Why Investment Arbitration?

New York, Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, Columbia University, 28 March 2013: Paradoxes in International Investment Law.

Jerusalem, Hebrew University, International Law Forum, 23 April 2013: Do We Need Investment Arbitration?

Tel Aviv, Herzog, Fox & Neeman, Conference on Protection of Israeli Investors Abroad, 29 April 2013: Protection of Investment Abroad.

Warsaw, Young Polish Arbitrators, 12 September 2013: The Prospects of Investment Arbitration.

Vienna, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, EU-US Abkommen – eine neue Ära für Investitionsschutz und Streitbeilegung, 4 October 2013: Investor-Staat-Streitbeilegung als Angelpunkt im Investitionsschutz – auch in Zukunft?

Bergisch Gladbach, Bonner Energierechtgespräch, 4. November 2013: Schutz gegen regulatorische Maßnahmen durch Investitionsschutzabkommen.

Brussels, European Parliament, Sub-Committee on Human Rights, 2 December 2013: EU-China Investment Treaty – The Human Rights Dimension.

The Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Cambridge University, 6 December 2013: The Year in Review – International Investment Law.

Düsseldorf, Clifford Chance, Arbitration Breakfast, 27 March 2014: Die Zukunft der Investitionsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit.

Vienna, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, 6 June 2014: Investment Protection and ISDS in TTIP – ensuring a fair deal for business and society.

Milano, Bocconi University, 8 July 2014: Future Directions for International Investment Law.

Köln, International Investment Law Centre/Generali, 28 August 2014: Hat die Investitionsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit eine Zukunft?

London, Investment Treaty Forum, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 12 September 2014, Can International Investment Law be Restated? Or is Jurisprudence Constante the El Dorado of Investment Treaty lawyers? The Meaning of “Investment”.

Prague, 4th Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference, 30 October 2014: The Denunciation of the ICSID Convention.

Frankfurt/Main, Gesprächskreis Investitionsrecht und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, 10. Jahrestreffen, Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Investitionsschutzrecht, 4 November 2014: Glanz und Elend des internationalen Investitionsrechts.

Washington, D.C., 18th Annual IBA International Arbitration Day, ICSID’s 50th Anniversary, 27 February 2015: Drafting the ICSID Convention.

Washington D.C., Al Tamimi Arbitration Breakfast, 27 February 2015: Investment Arbitration and the Middle East.

Padua, University of Padua, Conference on General Principles of Law and International Investment Arbitration, 29 May 2015: Multiplicity of Proceedings.

London, Investment Treaty Forum, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, The ICSID Convention at 50, 18 September 2015: What would Aron Broches Think?

Vienna, Juris Conferences, Fourth Annual Damages in International Arbitration Conference, 2 October 2015: Keynote Speech: Alternative Remedies.

Vienna, International Bar Association, 2015 Annual Conference, North American Regional Forum, 5 October 2015: Investor-State Dispute Settlement and the TTIP.

Paris, Journée d’études de l’Institut international des droits de l’homme organisée par le Centre de recherche Léon Duguit de l’Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne, Convergences et Contradictions du droit des investissements et des droits de l’homme, 27 November 2015: The Relevance of Human Rights Law for Investment Tribunals.

Luxembourg, Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law, Conference: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – Framing the Adequate System for Investor-State Dispute Settlement, 4 December 2015: Controlling the Arbitration Process (remedies, binding declarations of states).

Frankfurt, Goethe Universität, ICSID at 50: Investment Arbitration as a Motor of General International law? 11 March 2016, Keynote Address: The Development of International Law by ICSID Tribunals.

Vienna University, Vienna Investment Arbitration Debate, 3 June 2016, Keynote Address: Precision of Investment Protection Standards, Arbitrators as Counsel and Transparency., Litigation Breakfast, 14 October 2016: Neueste Entwicklungen aus dem Bereich der Investitionsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit: „Streitbeilegung und CETA“.

Sarajevo Arbitration Day, 16 February 2017, Keynote Address: Efficiency in Investment Arbitration.

London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 28 March 2017: The History of International Investment Law: A Conversation with Antonio Parra and Christoph Schreuer.

Vienna, Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, Multi-Stakeholder Group on Improving Cross-Border Dispute Resolution, 8 May 2017: Developments in Dispute Resolution in Investment Agreements.

Venice, Global Campus of Human Rights, Business and Human Rights ‘The Right to a Remedy’ 15 July 2017, Investment Arbitration.

Athens, Colloquium International Investment Law & the Law of Armed Conflict, 5 October 2017, Keynote Lecture, Nicolas Politis Lecture Series: War and Peace in International Investment Law.

Vienna GAR Live, 20 October 2017, Keynote Address: Three Perspectives on Investment Arbitration.

Prague, 7th Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference, 26 October 2017, Keynote Address: Does Investment Arbitration have a Future?

Frankfurt, Gesprächskreis Investitionsrecht und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, zusammen mit IHK Frankfurt/M und FIAC, 13 November 2017: Wem nützt die Investitionsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit?

Vienna, Ninth Investment Arbitration Forum, 26 May 2018: Lessons learnt in Latin America – ICSID denunciations and their consequences.

Geneva, MIDS 10th Anniversary Conference on Stability and Change in International Dispute Settlement, 28 September 2018: Appeal Mechanisms in Investment Arbitration.

London British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Thirty Second ITF Public Conference, 10 May 2019, Keynote Address: State Responsibility in Investment Law.

Cologne, 10 Year Anniversary Conference of the International Investment Law Centre Cologne, 16 May 2019: Evolution of Investment Law in Treaty Making and Arbitral Practice.

Milan, BonelliErede International Dispute Resolution Seminar, 4 June 2019: Substantive Law in Investment Arbitration.

Montreal, McGill University, 25 May 2020, [by videolink] Harmonization of Tribunal Practice in Investment Arbitration.

London, Queen Mary University, 16 July 2020, [by videolink] Mechanisms to Enhance Consistency in Investment Arbitration.

Jerusalem, Hebrew University, 30 November 2020, [by videolink] The Function of Investment Arbitration