- Die Behandlung internationaler Organakte durch staatliche Gerichte 381 pp. (Duncker & Humblot, 1977).
- Decisions of International Institutions before Domestic Courts 407 pp. (Oceana 1981).
- State Immunity. Some Recent Developments, 200 pp. (Grotius, 1988).
- Principles of International Investment Law, 484 pp. with R. Dolzer and U. Kriebaum (3rd edition, Oxford University Press, 2022)
- The ICSID Convention: A Commentary, 1466 pp. (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
- Second Edition with L. Malintoppi, A. Reinisch & A. Sinclair, 1524 pp. (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
- Third Edition: Schreuer’s Commentary on the ICSID Convention, 2000 pp. S.W. Schill, General Editor (Cambridge University Press 2022).
- International Protection of Investments: The Substantive Standards, 1056 pp. with A. Reinisch (Cambridge University Press, 2020).
- Autorität und internationale Ordnung. Aufsätze zum Völkerrecht 238 pp. (Duncker & Humblot, 1979).
- Österreichisches Handbuch des Völkerrechts (Austrian Manual of International Law) 3 vols. (together with H.-P. Neuhold and W. Hummer), 467 pp., 486 pp., 95 pp. (Manz, first edition 1983, second edition 1991, third edition 1997, fourth edition 2004).
- The Austrian Journal of Public and International Law (1990-1995).
- The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law (together with P. Muchlinski & F. Ortino) (Oxford University Press, 2008).
- The Interpretation of Treaties by Domestic Courts, 45 The British Year Book of International Law 255-301 (1971).
- Zur verwaltungs- und völkerrechtlichen Problematik des Salzburger Flughafenfalles, 26 Österreichische Juristen-Zeitung 542-545 (1971).
- Unjustified Enrichment in International Law, 22 American Journal of Comparative Law 281-301 (1974).
- The Authority of International Judicial Practice in Domestic Courts, 23 The International and Comparative Law Quarterly 681-708 (1974).
- The Implementation of International Judicial Decisions by Domestic Courts, 24 The International and Comparative Law Quarterly 153-183 (1975).
- The Impact of International Institutions on the Protection of Human Rights in Domestic Courts, 4 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 60-88 (1974).
- Concurrent Jurisdiction of National and International Tribunals, 13 Houston Law Review 508-526 (1976).
- The Relevance of United Nations Decisions in Domestic Litigation, 27 The International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1-17 (1978).
- Recommendations and the Traditional Sources of International Law, 20 German Yearbook of International Law 103-118 (1977).
- Beschlüsse internationaler Organe im österreichischen Staatsrecht, 37 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 468-503 (1977).
- The Applicability of Stare Decisis to International Law in English Courts, 25 Netherlands International Law Review 234-238 (1978).
- Neue Entwicklungen zur Immunität ausländischer Staaten vor englischen Gerichten, 25 Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft 156-161 (1979).
- New Haven Approach und Völkerrecht, in: Autorität und internationale Ordnung, Aufsätze zum Völkerrecht 63-85 (Ed. Schreuer, Duncker & Humblot 1979).
- Some Recent Developments in the Law of State Immunity, 2 Comparative Law Yearbook 215-236 (1978).
- Autonomy in South Tyrol, in: Models of Autonomy 53-65, (Ed. Y. Dinstein, Transaction Books, 1981).
- Die Bedeutung des Völkerrechts, des Internationalen Privatrechts und der Rechtsvergleichung in der Universitätsausbildung der Juristen in Österreich, 21 Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht 71-97 (1981).
- Eurocontrol: Wechselwirkungen staatlicher und internationaler Jurisdiktion, in: Aus Österreichs Rechtsleben in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Festschrift für Ernst C. Hellbling zum 80. Geburtstag 371-382 (1981).
- Legal Education in Austria (together with P.F. Cichocki), 5 Comparative Law Yearbook 17-28 (1981).
- Wechselwirkungen zwischen Völkerrecht und Verfassung bei der Auslegung völkerrechtlicher Verträge, 23 Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht 61-91 (1982).
- Der neue Artikel 9 Absatz 2 der österreichischen Bundesverfassung, 42 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 93-99 (1982).
- Staatliche Gerichtsbarkeit und internationale Beamtenstreitigkeiten, 33 Österreichische Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 299-306 (1982).
- Derogation of Human Rights in Situations of Public Emergency: The Experience of the European Convention on Human Rights, 9 Yale Journal of World Public Order 113-132 (1982).
- Die innerstaatliche Anwendung von internationalem „soft law“ aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht, 34 Österreichische Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 243-260 (1983).
- Beschlüsse Internationaler Organisationen, in: Österreichisches Handbuch des Völkerrechts 88-93 (1983); 93-99 (1991).
- Die Internationalen Organisationen, in: Österreichisches Handbuch des Völkerrechts 154-183 (1983); 157-199 (1991).
- Unjust Enrichment, in: Encyclopedia of Public International Law, vol. 9, 381-383 (1986).
- International Law in Municipal Law: Law and Decisions of International Organizations and Courts, in: Encyclopedia of Public International Law, vol. 10, 262-268 (1987).
- Der Einfluss des staatlichen Rechts auf die Auslegung völkerrechtlicher Verträge, in: Staatliche und nationale Einheit Deutschlands – ihre Effektivität 27-41 (Köln, 1984).
- Die Bedeutung internationaler Organisationen im heutigen Völkerrecht, 22 Archiv des Völkerrechts 363-4o4 (1984).
- Das US-Gesetz über die Immunität ausländischer Staaten in der Praxis der Gerichte, 31 Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 173-187 (1985).
- State Enterprises in International Law – Some Recent Developments, in: The Legal Structure of the Enterprise (Ed. F. Madl, 1985), vol. 2, 455-471.
- Zur Zulässigkeit von Vollstreckungsmaßnahmen in Bankkonten ausländischer Staaten, in: Festschrift für Karl H. Neumayer 521-542 (1985).
- Rechtsfragen des Transitfluges beim Betrieb des Flughafens Salzburg, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Suppl. 10, 69-85 (1988).
- The Significance of International Organizations in Current International Law, 38 Law and State 63-103 (1988).
- Austria, in: Encyclopedia of Public International Law, vol. 12, 28-33 (1990).
- Promotion of Economic Development by International Law at the Universal or/and the Regional Level, in: Strengthening the World Order: Universalism v. Regionalism, Risks and Opportunities of Regionalization (Ed. R. Wolfrum) 71-91 (1990).
- a) Artikel 100, in: Charta der Vereinten Nationen, Kommentar (Hrsg. B. Simma) 1005-1025 (1991);
- b) Article 100, in: The Charter of the United Nations. A Commentary (Ed. B. Simma), 1057-1075 (1994);
- c) Article 100 (together with C. Ebner), in: The Charter of the United Nations. A Commentary (Ed. B. Simma), 1230-1251 (2nd ed., 2002).
- Die Durchsetzung zivilrechtlicher Ansprüche gegen ausländische Staaten, Österreichische Juristen-Zeitung 41-50 (1991).
- a) Regionalisierung, in: Handbuch Vereinte Nationen (Hrsg. R. Wolfrum) 679-686 (1991).
- b) Regionalization, in: United Nations Law, Policies and Practice (Ed. R. Wolfrum) 1059-1067 (1995).
- a) Legal Status of the Polish Boundaries, in: The Changing Political Structure of Europe: Aspects of International Law (R. Lefeber/M. Fitzmaurice/E.W. Vierdag Eds.) 79-97 (1991).
- b) Status prawny polskiej granicy zachodniej, 47 Przegl. Zachodni 111-128 (1991).
- Secondment of United Nations Officials from National Civil Service, 34 German Yearbook of International Law 307-353 (1991).
- Le projet d’articles de la Commission du Droit International des Nations Unies sur les immunités des États (together with C. Kessedjian), 96 Revue Générale de Droit International Public 299-341 (1992).
- Does the UN Charter Provide an Adequate Legal Basis for Collective Responses to Violations of Obligations erga omnes? – Comment, in: The Future of International Law Enforcement. New Scenarios – New Law? (J. Delbrück Ed.) 147-153 (1992).
- The Waning of the Sovereign State: Towards a New Paradigm for International Law?, 4 European Journal of International Law 447-471 (1993).
- The Role of Domestic Courts in the Enforcement of International Human Rights – A View from Austria, in: Enforcing International Human rights in Domestic Courts (B. Conforti, F. Francioni Eds.) 175-197 (1997). (together with A. Morawa).
- Die Bindung internationaler Organisationen an völkerrechtliche Verträge ihrer Mitgliedstaaten, in: Festschrift für Karl Zemanek 223-250 (1994).
- Capital Punishment and Human Rights, in: Festschrift für Rudolf Bernhardt 563-577 (1995).
- Regionalism v. Universalism, in: The United Nations 50 Years On, 6 European Journal of International Law 477-499 (1995).
- The Contribution of the UN to the Harmonization of Arbitration: The Case of ICSID, in: Contemporary International Law Issues: Conflicts and Convergence, Third Joint Conference ASIL-NVIR 4-7 (1995).
- Decisions Ex Aequo et Bono Under the ICSID Convention, 11 ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal 37-63 (1996).
- International and Domestic Law in Investment Disputes – The Case of ICSID, 1 Austrian Review of International and European Law 89-120 (1996).
- Access to ICSID Dispute Settlement for Locally Incorporated Companies, in: Towards International Economic Law with a Human Face (Eds. F. Weiss, P. de Waart, E. Denters) (1997).
- The Interpretation of ICSID Arbitration Agreements, in: International Law: Theory and Practice, Essays in Honour of Eric Suy 719-735 (1998).
- a) The Brcko Award of 14 February 1997, 11 Leiden Journal of International Law 71-80 (1998);
- b) The Brcko Supplemental Award of 15 March 1998, 11 Leiden Journal of International Law 493-495 (1998);
- c) The Brcko Final Award of 5 March 1999, 12 Leiden Journal of International Law 575-581 (1999);
- The Changing Structure of International Organization, 11 The Transnational Lawyer 419-428 (1998).
- Settlement of Investment Disputes in the Cause of Development, in: Development and Developing International and European Law, Essays in Honour of Konrad Ginther on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday 285-297 (1999).
- Is there a Legal Basis for the NATO Intervention in Kosovo?, 1 International Law Forum 151-154 (1999).
- East Timor and the United Nations, 2 International Law Forum 18-25 (2000).
- Sources of International Law: Scope and Application, Emirates Lecture Series 28, The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (2000).
- Is there a Legal Basis for the Air Strikes Against Iraq? 3 International Law Forum du droit international, 72-75 (2001).
- State Sovereignty and the Duty of States to Co-operate – Two Incompatible Notions?, in: International Law of cooperation and State Sovereignty, 163-180 (Kiel, 2002).
- Streitbeilegungsverfahren im internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht: ICSID Arbitration, in: Österreichischer Völkerrechtstag 2001 (Marboe/Reinisch/Wittich, Hrsg.), Favorita Papers der Diplomatischen Akademie, 62-70 (02/2002).
- Immunity v. Accountability: the ICJ´s Judgement in the Yerodia case (together with S. Wittich), 4 International Law Forum du droit international, 117-120 (2002).
- Paradigmenwechsel im internationalen Investitionsrecht, in: Paradigmenwechsel im Völkerrecht zur Jahrtausendwende (Ed. W. Hummer), 237-250 (2001).
- Course on Dispute Settlement. (UNCTAD ed.) (2003). International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
2.1 Overview
2.3 Consent to Arbitration - The World Bank/ICSID Dispute Settlement Procedures, in: Settlement of Disputes in Tax Treaty Law, 579-582 (Lang/Züger, eds., 2002).
- ICSID Annulment Revisited, 30 Legal Issues of Economic Integration 103-122 (2003).
- Travelling the BIT Route. Of Waiting Periods, Umbrella Clauses and Forks in the Road, 5 The Journal of World Investment & Trade 231-256 (2004).
- Three Generations of ICSID Annulment Proceedings, in: Annulment of ICSID Awards 17-42 (E. Gaillard, Y. Banifatemi eds., 2004).
- Failure to Apply the Governing Law in International Investment Arbitration, 7 Austrian Review of International and European Law 147-196 (2002).
- Non-Pecuniary Remedies in ICSID Arbitration, 20 Arbitration International 325-332 (2004).
- Preventing the Past, 6 International Law FORUM du droit international 131-135 (2004).
- Staatenimmunität in den USA, 15 ecolex 781-784 (2004).
- Investment Arbitration: a Voyage of Discovery, 71 Arbitration 73-77 (2005).
- Calvo’s Grandchildren: The Return of Local Remedies in Investment Arbitration, 4 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 1-17 (2005).
- Investment Treaty Arbitration and Jurisdiction over Contract Claims – the Vivendi I Case Considered, in T. Weiler, ed., International Investment Law and Arbitration: Leading Cases from the ICSID, NAFTA, Bilateral Treaties and Customary International Law 281-323 (2005).
- Fair and Equitable Treatment in Arbitral Practice, 6 The Journal of World Investment & Trade 357-386 (2005)
- Shareholder Protection in International Investment Law, in Common Values in International Law, Essays in Honour of Christian Tomuschat 601-619 (P.-M. Dupuy, B. Fassbender, M.N. Shaw, K.-P. Sommermann eds., 2006).
- Streitbeilegung im Rahmen des ICSID, in: Kronke/Melis/Schnyder Hrsg., Handbuch des Internationalen Wirtschaftsrechts 2012-2035 (2005).
- The Relevance of Public International Law in International Commercial Arbitration: Investment Disputes.
- The Concept of Expropriation under the ECT and other Investment Protection Treaties, in: Investment Arbitration and the Energy Charter Treaty 108-159 (C. Ribeiro ed., 2006); Transnational Dispute Management, Vol. 2 Issue #03 June 2005.
- A Decade of Increasing Awareness of Investment Arbitration and Intensive Activity: an Assessment, Opening Address at a Symposium co-organised by ICSID, OECD and UNCTAD: Making the Most of International Investment Agreements: a Common Agenda, Paris, 12 December 2005.
- Das Verhältnis von Generalversammlung und Sicherheitsrat in Friedenssicherungsangelegenheiten (gemeinsam mit C. Binder), in: Weltinnenrecht, Liber amicorum Jost Delbrück 639-663 (K. Dicke, S. Hobe, K.-U. Meyn, A. Peters, E. Riedel, H.-J. Schütz, C. Tietje Hrsg., 2005).
- The Dynamic Evolution of the ICSID System, in The Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (R. Hofmann, C. Tams eds. 2007).
- Investment Protection and International Relations, in: The Law of International Relations, Liber amicorum Hanspeter Neuhold 345-358 (A. Reinisch, U. Kriebaum eds. 2007).
- The Concept of Property in Human Rights Law and International Investment Law (together with U. Kriebaum), in: Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, Liber amicorum Luzius Wildhaber 743-762 (S. Breitenmoser ed., 2007).
- Consent to Arbitration, in: The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law (P. Muchlinski, F. Ortino, C. Schreuer eds.) 830 (2008).
- A Doctrine of Precedent? (together with M. Weiniger), in: The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law (P. Muchlinski, F. Ortino, C. Schreuer eds.) 1188 (2008).
- Preliminary Rulings in Investment Arbitration, in: Appeals Mechanism in International Investment Disputes (K. Sauvant ed.) 207 (2008).
- Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET): Interactions with other Standards, in: Investment Protection and the Energy Charter Treaty (C. Ribeiro ed.) 63 (2008).
- Interrelationship of Standards, in: Standards of Investment Protection (A. Reinisch ed.) 1 (2008).
- Protection against Arbitrary or Discriminatory Measures, in: The Future of Investment Arbitration (C. A. Rogers, R.P. Alford eds.) 183 (2009).
- What is a Legal Dispute?, in: International Law between Universalism and Fragmentation, Festschrift in Honour of Gerhard Hafner (I. Buffard, J. Crawford, A. Pellet, S. Wittich eds.) 959 (2008).
- Human Rights and International Investment Arbitration (together with C. Reiner) in: Human Rights in International Investment Law and Arbitration (P.-M. Dupuy, F. Francioni, E.-U. Petersmann eds.) 82 (2009).
- At What Time Must Legitimate Expectations Exist? (together with U. Kriebaum) in: A Liber Amicorum: Thomas Wälde (J. Werner, A. Ali eds.) 265 (2009).
- Revising the System of Review for Investment Awards BIICL (2009).
- ICSID, in: Encyclopedia of Public International Law (2009).
- Nationality of Investors: Legitimate Restrictions v. Business Interests, 24 ICSID Review-FILJ 521 (2009).
- Diversity and Harmonization of Treaty Interpretation in Investment Arbitration, in: Treaty Interpretation and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: 30 Years on (M. Fitzmaurice, O. Elias, P. Merkouris eds.) 129 (2010).
- Fair and Equitable Treatment, in: Protection of Foreign Investments through Modern Treaty Arbitration – Diversity and Harmonisation (A. K. Hoffmann ed.) 125 (2010).
- Belated Jurisdictional Objections in ICSID Arbitration, in: Liber Amicorum Bernardo Cremades (W. Á. Fernández-Ballesteros, D. Arias eds.) 1081 (2010).
- Denunciation of the ICSID Convention and Consent to Arbitration, in: The Backlash against Investment Arbitration: Perceptions and Reality (M. Waibel, A. Kaushal, Kyo-Hwa Liz Chung, C. Balchin eds.) 353 (2010).
- Full Protection and Security in: Journal of International Dispute Settlement 1 (2010).
- Investments, International Protection, in: Encyclopedia of Public International Law (2010).
- The Future of Investment Arbitration, in: Looking at the Future, Essays on International Law in Honor of W. Michael Reisman (M. H. Arsanjani, J. K. Cogan, R. D. Sloane, S. Wiessner eds.) 787 (2011).
- Interactions of International Tribunals and Domestic Courts in Investment Law, in: Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2010 (A. W. Rovine ed.) 71 (2011).
- From Individual to Community Interest in International Investment Law (together with U. Kriebaum), in: From Bilateralism to Community Interest, Essays in Honour of Judge Bruno Simma (U. Fastenrath, R. Geiger, D.-E. Khan, A. Paulus, S. v. Schorlemer, C. Vedder eds.) 1079 (2011).
- Comments on treaty interpretation in: International Investment Law and General International law – From Clinical Isolation to Systemic Integration? (R. Hofmann, C. Tams eds.) (2011).
- From ICSID Annulment to Appeal – Half Way Down the Slippery Slope , 10 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 211-225 (2011).
- Preventing a Backlash against Investment Arbitration: could the WTO be the Solution?, The 15th Geneva Global Arbitration Forum.
- The Protection of Investments in Armed Conflicts, TDM June 2011.
- Investment Arbitration based on National Legislation in: Völkerrecht und die Dynamik der Menschenrechte, Liber Amicorum Wolfram Karl (2012) pp. 527-537.
- Nationality Planning, The Fordham Papers 2012.
- Coherence and Consistency in international investment law, in: Prospects in International Investment law and Policy (R. Echandi, P. Sauvé eds.) 391 (2013).
- Why Still ICSID? TDM November 2011, in: The Future of ICSID and the Place of Investment Treaties in International Law, BIICL Current Issues in Investment Treaty Law, Vol. IV (N. J. Calamita, D. Earnest, M. Burgstaller eds.) 203-209 (2013).
- Investment Arbitration, in: Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (C. Romano, K. Alter, Y. Shani eds.) 295 (2014).
- Do We Need Investment Arbitration? in: Reshaping the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System: Journeys for the 21st Century (J.E.Kalicki, A.Joubin-Bret eds.) 879-889 (2015).
- At what Time must Jurisdiction Exist? in: Practising Virtue Inside International Arbitration (D.D. Caron, S.W. Schill, A. Cohen Smutny, and E.E. Triantafilou eds.) 264 (2015).
- Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in Investment Treaty Arbitration, McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution, Vol. 1:1 pp. 1-25 (2014).
- Schutz gegen regulatorische Maßnahmen durch Investitionsschutzabkommen, in: Europäische und internationale Aspekte der Energierechtsreformdebatte (Wolfgang Löwer ed.) 73-85 (2014).
- Criteria to Determine Investor Nationality (Natural Persons), in: Building International Investment Law, The First 50 Years of ICSID (M. Kinnear, G.R. Fischer, J.M. Almeida, L.F. Torres, M.U. Bidegain eds.) 153 (2015).
- Alternative Remedies in Investment Arbitration, in: Revista Internacional de Arbitragem e Conciliação 35 (2015). 3 The Journal of Damages in International Arbitration 1 (2016).
- The Development of International Law by ICSID Tribunals, 31 ICSID Review 728-739 (2016).
- The relevance of human rights law for investment tribunals, in: Convergences and Contradictions between Investment Law and Human Rights Law: a Litigation Approach (W. Ben Hamida, F. Coulée eds.) 289 (2017).
- Multiple Proceedings, in: General Principles of Law and International Investment Arbitration (A. Gattini, A. Tanzi, F. Fontanelli eds.) 152-166 (2018).
- War and Peace in International Investment Law, in: International Investment Law and the Law of Armed Conflict, Special Issue: European Yearbook of International Economic Law (K. Fach Gómez, A. Gourgourinis, C. Titi eds.) 1 (2019).
- Does ISDS Need an Appeals Mechanism? (together with A. de la Brena Meléndez), Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 493 ( 2019).
- The Active Investor, in: Forward! Essays in Honour of Prof Dr Kaj Hobér (E. Bylander, A. Johnson Cornell, J. Ragnwaldh eds.) 237 (2019).
- Pre-Investment Activities, in: Festschrift Herbert Kronke (S. Huber, C. Benicke eds.) 1553 (2020).
- Investment Protection: Original Purpose and Features, in: The Future of Investment Treaty Arbitration in the EU (C. Baltag, A. Stanič eds.) 1 (2020).
- CETA Article 8.11 Compensation for Losses (2020).
- Evolution of Investment Law in Treaty Making and Arbitral Practice, in: Evolution, Evaluation and Future Developments in International Investment Law (S. Hobe, J. Scheu eds.) 4 (2021).
- Contract Claims in Investment Treaty Arbitration, in: Arbitration, Contracts and International Trade Law, Essays in Honour of Giorgio Bernini edited by Fabrizio Marella and Nicola Soldati (2021) 603-624.
- The Unity of an Investment, 19 ICSID Reports 3-24 (2021).
- Landmark Investment Cases on State Consent, in: International Investment Law: An Analysis of the Major Decisions (Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law) (2022). Ed. Hélène Ruiz Fabri and Edoardo Stoppioni. Oxford: Hart Publishing (2022) 259–274.
- The Meaning of ‘and’ – International and Domestic Law in Investment Arbitration (together with U. Kriebaum), in: Liber Amicorum Emmanuel Gaillard (2022).
- Notice and Wait, in: Wisdom and Balance in International Arbitration, Liber Amicorum In Memoriam of Prof. Piero Bernardini (A. Crivellaro, A. Carlevaris, M.B. Deli, M. Benedettelli eds.) (2022).
- Investment Protection in Times of Armed Conflict, 22 Journal of World Investment & Trade 701-714 (2022).
- Das innerstaatliche Recht in der Investitionsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit, in: FS Matthias Neumayr (T. Garber Hrsg.) (2023).
- When a Violation of Domestic Law is a Breach of Treaty, in: Der Schutz des Individuums durch das Recht, FS für Rainer Hofmann (O. Bayrak, P. Donath, A. Heger, M. Malkmus eds.) (2023).
- Challenges Resulting from the EU’s Participation in International Dispute Settlement, in: New Frontiers for EU Investment Policy: Internal and External Dimensions (M. Bungenberg, A. Reinisch eds.) (2023).
- Burden and Standard of Proof on Jurisdiction, in: The Award in International Investment Arbitration (K. Fach Gómez & C. Titi eds.) (2024).
Numerous unpublished legal opinions dealing with international investment law.
Numerous book reviews.